I was born in Ranchos, General Paz, Province of Buenos Aires.
My primary school was Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesus, and High school in
Colegio Nacional anexo Comercial, now named, Secondary school N° 2. And in the
city of La Plata, my carrer as a teacher.
As a child, I was drawn to the puppet theater and declamation. In Primary school
I was always chosen to act and recite poetry at school events.
I started writing poetry at the age of 14 years, publishing several in the
weekly papers news " The Word" and "Here Ranchos".
I am married and I have three daughters.
Currently I work as a teacher in the Secondary School No. 2,
of which I was a student, long ago.
I want to thank my daughter Analia for having me moved to write this
novel, my husband Eduardo, my daughter Gabriela and Andrea for helping me
transcribe this, as well as Professor of Language and Literature, Marcia
Farisano who study aimed at my work, giving her valuable opinion and fundamentals.
Thanks to them four, and all who made this possible.
Susana E. Irigoite
Dreaming of fragrances and colors
Moved away the afternoon shadows covering the ranch house.
This was a comfortable, spacious. The scent of orange blossoms, jasmine and roses mingled, giving the place, an exquisite aroma.
Everything was harmonious until the moment she appeared, with her sinister laugh ...
Moved away the afternoon shadows covering the ranch house.
This was a comfortable, spacious. The scent of orange blossoms, jasmine and roses mingled, giving the place, an exquisite aroma.
Everything was harmonious until the moment she appeared, with her sinister laugh ...
Just begining a new day. The sunlight filter timidly, by Katy's room window.
She checked her watch, it was too late. She jumped out of bed and put on pants and riding boots.

She went to the bathroom, where she brushed her, and black hair, waist-length. She looked at her body in the mirror and liked it.
She was 23 years old, medium height and thin physique. She had matte skin and big green eyes, framed by long, curved eyelashes.
She grew up filled with love, care, toys and all that a child may need and want to develop happy.
Being an only child, her parents offered her the full flow of love and also a great burden that she has to take with her all her life.
Now she has become a beautiful rider.
She turned a little and left the place to go for breakfast and then get her horse to do her morning routine.
She descended the stairs to the living room where her aunt was waiting for Antonia.
Katy shared breakfast and left. She went to the stables for her companion for a ride.
She descended the stairs to the living room where her aunt was waiting for Antonia.
Katy shared breakfast and left. She went to the stables for her companion for a ride.
Antonia was a single woman, about 50 years. Sleek, slim, tall, strong-willed, but very insecure.
As a child saw their parents a very special dedication to her sister Celestina, for which she fought always to be taken into account. Every attempt was in vain, as Celestina continued to be the most beautiful, most intelligent, most capable ... the most of everything.
She was unmarried, to take care of their grandparents first, and her parents later.
Her grandparents gaved her as a reward, the place where she lives now.
Katy mounted and started touring the country with her horse.
The smell of green grass, wet with dew, the birds chirping, the breeze caressing her cheeks, everything was beautiful ...
Suddenly, she saw someone waiting for her standing beside the path.
Dario was the son of the owner's farm next door.
Ther was a nice young, cheerful, renowned lawyer of medium height, brown hair and eyes, which brought out from her white skin.
Katy liked to chat with him.
They chatted of issues common to both, and then the young man left promising to comeback and wait for Katy next morning.
On the way back to the house, Katy could not stop thinking about Dario; the boy had already won her heart.
The next morning she was awake more animated than usual.
Breakfast with her aunt, as usual.
-Katy, you look so happy! Have you dreamed something nice last night!
-No aunt, I am going to see Dario. He promised me to be waiting shortly.
Antonia did not answer, the look in her face changed. She gritted her teeth and her eyes began to fire glowing sparks.
Katy did not understand the reason for that look, but said nothing after the breakfast, walked away to find her horse, like every morning.
He was beginning to worry about being late, when finally saw her coming.
Her heart began to beat faster. She was so beautiful! She came at a trot, very upright on her horse, with black and very limp, loose hair.
He waited with a smile and very gently helped her to dismount.
They talked for a long time and their eyes met several times, saying things that their lips could not pronounced.
Then, was a "I will see you tomorrow", wishing tomorrow to be today...
It was a heavenly morning. The sun was high as if it was waving to Katy.
She left the room very happy to meet Dario, who recognizing her, ran to meet her. He helped her off the horse, taking her gently by her waist.
The touch of her body, the scent of her skin, altered Dario’s senses, at that time he knew that he loved her with all his heart and without words drew her to his chest and both were merged into a hug.
Then he kissed Katy’s hands, again and again. She without any resistance, responded to Dario’s caresses. And there on the grass, under the shadow of a tree and a bright sun witnessing, they melted their bodies and souls.
While that was happening, Antonia, received some "friends".
They were entering, when Katy, dismounted at the gate.
Noting the presence of strangers, she was careful to avoid being discovered, hiding behind a tree.
She wanted to know, what this "visit" was doing there, as they were new to her, so when they had entered the place, very stealthily she approached to a window and she saw that on a table, were spread candles of various colors.
After a few minutes she left.
Katy, as every day, brushed her long black and bright hair, when suddenly focus her attention in small red spots on her scalp.
She noticed that her hair had lost shine and color, and saw she was losing a few hairs in some places.
Very concerned about that, she told her aunt Antonia, who told her it was nothing.
-Do not wash your hair as often, is not good. She said as a solution.
The hair loss continued, so Katy consulted her trusted doctor, who gave her a medication that would solve the problem.
Shortly she had again a healthy hair and shine as before.
Celestina was 48 years old. Physically her daughter Katy was a lot like her.
Kindly nature, cheerful, happy. She was married to George for 25 years and were very happy. Her husband consented to everything. He was an excellent companion, very loving, enjoying the occurrences of her wife.
That day, Celestina came very quickly to the residence of her sister to see her daughter Katy and meet her fiancé, Dario, she did it with her husband.
Antonia received them happy, though in reality she was annoyed by their presence.
They had lunch together and later Katy's parents went to the Dario’s house, where he and her parents were waiting for them.
The next morning Celestina, got up early. She wanted to enjoy the day science in the evening she was going to leave the place.
She dressed quickly and went downstairs for breakfast. Where they were waiting for her.
When put her foot on the step, she noticed that something slipped forward, causing her body to roll down the stairs, finally giving her head against the floor. The blow was very intense and lost consciousness.
At the sound Antonia, ran to the place screaming and called George.
- George! George!, Come soon! Celestina has fallen! My sister! My sister whom I love so much! Call a doctor! Let him come soon please!
George ran, and seeing Celestina, lying on the ground vanished, immediately called the doctor, who came quickly.He examined Celestina, before leaving recommended rest, and for any questions or if they notice something strange to call again, otherwise he was coming back next day.
The next morning the doctor came back and found Celestina in full recovery. She had some bruises but not very important. The most important was in her head, but the worst was over.
Two days later, she was leaving with her husband.
Katy nursed her mother during those days, while Darius came to visit at all times when he could.
The afternoon was ending, with the sky covered by clouds threatening.
-It's almost rainin, Antonia said to Katy.
-Yes my aunt, I believe that within minutes we will hear the rain.
They dined together and then each one went to their room to see television.
Thunder and lightning made Katy’s room vibrate and light up.
She immersed herself in the bed and covered her head with the pillow. After a while she was a sleep.
On the rainy morning, someone hersed at her window and woke her.
Very slowly rose from her bed, turned to one side, put on her shoes and tried to look out raising the blind slowly.
Thus, she could see a silhouette gliding through the park.
She went to her aunt's room, and with great surprise, she was not there.
Entering could see a big mess and she recognize some toys that belonged to her mother, remembering her childhood, and a brooch that had belonged to her grandmother and her mother also kept as a souvenir.
She left the room and went down the stairs quickly, without lighting a single lamp, not to be seen. When she reached the living room, saw the figure again, but this time more closely and accompanied by another person, both covered by rain clothes.
Big was her surprise when she discovered that the second figure belonged to her aunt Antonia.
Very slowly, she returned to her room, ready to know what was happening. She had Dario’s phone number. She called him about what was happening, so he was alert.
She snuggled deeper into her bed.
After a few moments, she heard turn the doorknob and her aunt enter the place, opened the drawer of her table and took from it a torch, then Katy felt fingers like pincers oppressed her neck. She tried to scream but her throat did not emit a sound. She started waving her arms, trying to remove those hands of her throat. Dario...she thought ... Why he is not coming?
When the flashlight illuminated the face of her assailant, she wanted to di...was Dario! Her aunt Antonia! Oh no! It could not be! Was she dreaming?! ...
When she awoke, she was in a medical center, with her parents.
-My love, how you feel? - her mother asked, stroking her head.
-Better, Mom.
- Do you feel pain somewhere in your body? Asked her father.
-No, I'm better. But ... What happened? Why am I here?
-'Because,' said her mother, even with the rain of last night, we returned to the room as we wanted to take you to see the wedding dresses, as you wanted, and also pick up the brooch your grandmother left me, but could not find it.
-And what about me? What was I doing? I do not remember seeing you there.
- Of course you did not! Said her mother-If you were almost dead! We called a doctor immediately, and he told us that you had suffered an attempted strangulation, and would expect to recuperate knowledge before hospitalize you.
-We later did the police report, but police found no trace of the aggressor- said the father.
-When your doctor, saw us calmer, he told us -the mother continued saying- that when you regain knowledge, despite the pain, you told him who your aggressor was, it was Dario and he was at your aunt’s place .
- Now I remember everything! I never imagined they could do ther to me! Why!? I wonder. Why?!
-When your doctor, saw us calmer, he told us -the mother continued saying- that when you regain knowledge, despite the pain, you told him who your aggressor was, it was Dario and he was at your aunt’s place .
- Now I remember everything! I never imagined they could do ther to me! Why!? I wonder. Why?!
Days later, and back at her parents' house, someone knocked on the door. Katy opened. It was the police. To inform them that they had detained Antonia, she was out of her mind stealing clothing and other items from a shop.
She was handcuffed in a police station, but she was going soon to a psychiatric clinic.
The next day, Katy went her aunt’s place.
With a broken heart and unable to think clearly, still believed that what happened that night was just a bad dream.
She had no news about Dario. Only knew by comments that her father advised him away making a trip overseas.
She walked quietly immersed in her thoughts when suddenly discovered in the living room, a tile protruding slightly. Carefully lifted it and lowered and went to the basement, down the stairs.
Cobwebs, dust and moisture, covered everything. However, she found a albun with pictures of the whole family and a diary. In it, Antonia had talked about her childhood and how unhappy she was, always.
The differences her parents had made between Katy's mother Celestina, and she, Antonia. The humiliations she endured. The likeness of Katy with her mother, and how she hated both.
Antonia also had in her diary, she would join Dario, and that would only be to hurt Katy because she was not interested in the boy.
Also found another confession to the perplexed. Antonia had written that her sister Celestina, was not only Katy’s mother, she also had another daughter, who she secretly had to raise.
After reading ther, Katy had to sit there in all moisture and dust cloth. She was for a long time and I silently and unseen, accompanied her, as I am the unrecognized daughter.
Antonia opened her eyes. She felt her eyes were heavy. She wanted to remember what happened, but could not. They had given her some pink pills to take, which made her feel dizzy. She knew she was in a mental facility.
She went out of bed and went to the window in her room.
Outside, the wind swayed the branches of trees, with not leaves, autumn had arrived.
Antonia felt cold. She stood by the window a while, then went back to bed.
When lunch time came she had to go to the dining room.
Was there when she met Irma, another patient of the Psychiatric Center, who, like her was eager to get in touch with others.
Irma was a woman of about 55 years. Not very high and a little fat, bright-eyed. Unlike Antonia, her family visited her frequently.
One sunny afternoon, both were in the park of the institution, enjoying walking talking, when Irma was visited by a relative. At the time, Antonia discovered the visitor wore around her neck a pendant of much value.
That afternoon, Irma relative had to leave, but before he did, he gave the pendant to Irma as a present, and left, promising to comeback soon.
That night, Antonia felt restless, was time for her medication.
When the nurse entered in her room Antonia pretended to be asleep.
The nurse, gently "woke her up" and told her to take the pills. She made as if swallow them, and the nurse walked away.
Wasting no time, Antonia went to the bathroom and threw the medication down the toilet, placed the gloves she had stolen that afternoon, from the nurse’s aid box and waited patiently until no one was in the hallway.
She found Irma’s bedroom. She awaited, until Irma took her medication and fell into a deep sleep.
So she went into Irma’s bedroom, took a pillow and placed it on Irma’s face, who even being doped, began to shake. Antonia hands moved quickly and precisely pulled the pendant from her victim's neck. She pressed a more the pillow, to forse Irma lost consciousness. Then, when she felt no resistance from Irma removed the pillow and walked away.
She took off her gloves and threw them into the toilet. She hid very well the pendant, no one would know that she had been that night in that place.
The nurse doing the night check, the usual rutine, saw Irma sleeping peacefully.
She turned off the light and left.
The morning was splendid. The sun painted in various shades every corner of the courtyard at the Psychiatric Center.
Spring is approaching again, and everything was green. The flowers began to offer their colors and fragrances. The butterflies sticking, beating its wings, accompanied by the gentle breeze.
Antonia and Irma did not want to lose that day, the last morning there for Antonia.
They wanted to talk quietly, sharing that morning, that would be unforgettable for both, and they did.
The next day, narrowed into a big hug and kisses and tears before goodbye.
When on the street, a warm breeze, stroked her face. The sun was high in a clear sky and it spread its light upon the face of the earth.
Antonia perceived in her mixed feelings on the one side was happy to regain their freedom and return to the country, her normal life, and on the other, sadness from moving away from Irma and other friends in the Clinic.
She walked a few blocks to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine that day, then took a taxi which took her back to stay.
Later, someone knocked at tshe main gate. Antonia went out to open.Was a man about 50 years, low height, width and thick mustacshe, dark eyes and gray hair.
He brought some folders and was friendly greeting, with eyes that denoted great enthusiasm.
-Good morning, Madam, my name is Joseph.
-Good morning sr. I am Antonia. How can I help you?
-Look, I come to talk with you, I mean to show you some of my projects to do in your farm, to produce more and better. Of course, both of us will be benefice from it, if you are interested ...
-Would have to analyze what you have in mind, but ... How do you got here?
-A couple said their are your friend and they told me about you. They thought my proyects would be beneficial for your place.
- Oh yes! Please come in, we can talk more comfortably inside.
Joseph spoke of his projects, while Antonia watched with great attention and made two coffees.
She found very interesting all that Joseph said. They continued to exchange ideas until Joseph left.
Later, she began to feel doubts. She thought she might not be desirable to undertake something as ambitious, as cunning and intelligence needed for business and she had neither one or the other, that was what she believed.
-Good morning, Madam, my name is Joseph.
-Good morning sr. I am Antonia. How can I help you?
-Look, I come to talk with you, I mean to show you some of my projects to do in your farm, to produce more and better. Of course, both of us will be benefice from it, if you are interested ...
-Would have to analyze what you have in mind, but ... How do you got here?
-A couple said their are your friend and they told me about you. They thought my proyects would be beneficial for your place.
- Oh yes! Please come in, we can talk more comfortably inside.
Joseph spoke of his projects, while Antonia watched with great attention and made two coffees.
She found very interesting all that Joseph said. They continued to exchange ideas until Joseph left.
Later, she began to feel doubts. She thought she might not be desirable to undertake something as ambitious, as cunning and intelligence needed for business and she had neither one or the other, that was what she believed.
Suddenly had an idea. She could call her sister Celestina and her daughter Katy, and ask for forgiveness, for what happened and take advantage then telling them about Joseph’s offer. With them she will feel safe and capable to start the business.
The sun was up again, with all its light and all its color, when Celestina and Katy arrived in the farm.
Both looked askance before calling. Were unsure, because of what happened.
Antonia, received them with her best smile. A smile, notably strained. She welcomed them with a kiss and a hug and invited them in.
It had been a while not seeing them, since they never visited the Psychiatric.
Then Antonia, crying inconsolably apologized for what happened, she accused her poor psychic- But Celestina and Katy did not trust it, however, argued that was appropriate to try to fix the relationship.
One autumn morning, all the works began. Antonia was anxious. Looked around the house watching every move.
Joseph entered the front door; he had several papers and folders between his hands.
A broad smile on her face reflected her joy. Sales had exceeded all expectations. All the effort was paying off and they were really very happy and proud.
Hours later all met in the dining room for dinner.
That morning Katy arrived early to the farm and ran immediately for her aunt, who was meeting with "her friends". She waited patiently, untill they were gone. When they finally left, she said:
- Why did you aproved on your own, shipments of grain that were for export? Not consulting us!, you also decided send animals not ready yet to be cull. Have not we talked about leaving that for later?!
- Shut up! Do not disrespect me! I did what I thought fit. I told Joseph and he agreed.
- You should not ask Joseph, but us! What will mom say when she finds out?!
Her opinion does not matter. Look what I have for her, in case she want to call the attention... then pulled out a knife she had in the drawer of the counter.
Katy, looked with horror at her aunt.
- Aunt, you are not good! you never recovered... And without saying another word, drove away, while Antonia, was talking to herself.
Katy meet hours later with her mother, and told her of what her aunt said.
Celestina did not said a word about what happend to Antonia, she just check all the accounting books while there.
That night none of them, Katy or Celestina, had a peaceful sleep.
Soon came the harsh winter, relentless, and with it a great drought. The fields were barren, the animals suffered from that weather. The dream faded. Everything that had been done, was collapsing.
Antonia felt guilt about it, had failed again.
Celestina also had feelings of guilt, because she always success in everything but this time, has failed.
As for Katy, she felt she had done everything she could. She did her paperwork, meetings etc. Therefore, had no qualms about the results obtained.
So they ended the business, it was not worth trying to catch up.
Joseph left with regret. He wished things continue going as at first, but reality showed otherwise, so he would try his projects elsewhere.
The rain fell incessantly. She turned right and closed even more her waterproof.
She had gone to town to consult her doctor for a small lump in her breast.
With a broad smile, the doctor welcomed her.
-Come in Antonia, take a sit.
Antonia obeyed, while twisting the strap of her purse.
-Tell me, ¿What is happening?
In a trembling voice she said
-Doctor, I discovered while in shower, that I have a small lump in my chest here.
The doctor examines it.
-Antonia, we will do analysis and studies to get a diagnosis, I can not determine exactly what is it.
-Well Dr, Antonia said-, unable to stop shaking- will do what you need.
He extended medical instructions and certificates for further studies, both walk to the door and said goodbye until the next visit, which wouldbe when she had the results.
Days passed and Antonia returned with all that her doctor asked.
Upon entering the office Antonia had a bad feeling, did not know why, but she could not stop thinking.
The doctor examined the results of studies and showed concern in his face. Then he looked at her.
-Antonia, I have to tell you the truth ... these analyzes are not very good. Your health is at risk.
Doctor, tell me the truth. I'm ready.
Well, I have to say that this is not good. What we will do, and I will help you, is everything that is necessary to live with the best quality of life as possible.
-Yes doctor, I believe so, but ... How long do I have?
-You never know ... We have to see ... start with a treatment.
Having said that, the doctor wrote a prescription and booked Antonia for another day.
When she left, the sun was shining, Antonia, felt more in her soul, shadows invaded it all.
He extended medical instructions and certificates for further studies, both walk to the door and said goodbye until the next visit, which wouldbe when she had the results.
Days passed and Antonia returned with all that her doctor asked.
Upon entering the office Antonia had a bad feeling, did not know why, but she could not stop thinking.
The doctor examined the results of studies and showed concern in his face. Then he looked at her.
-Antonia, I have to tell you the truth ... these analyzes are not very good. Your health is at risk.
Doctor, tell me the truth. I'm ready.
Well, I have to say that this is not good. What we will do, and I will help you, is everything that is necessary to live with the best quality of life as possible.
-Yes doctor, I believe so, but ... How long do I have?
-You never know ... We have to see ... start with a treatment.
Having said that, the doctor wrote a prescription and booked Antonia for another day.
When she left, the sun was shining, Antonia, felt more in her soul, shadows invaded it all.
A frozen cold ran through her whole body. How many days to live were left, Did not know. But what worried her he most was the suffering, even when her doctor also said, that would be not suffering.
With her mind clouded by the news, just made it to the car, and then drove back to the farm.
With her mind clouded by the news, just made it to the car, and then drove back to the farm.
Once there, she went straight to her room, threw herself on the bed when she was still dressed, and she cried with alot of sadness.
Flashed through her mind, like a movie, all those people who made her who she was. Her grandparents, her parents, her sister, her niece, her adopted daughter ... all came to her mind at same time, the saddest moment of her life.
Flashed through her mind, like a movie, all those people who made her who she was. Her grandparents, her parents, her sister, her niece, her adopted daughter ... all came to her mind at same time, the saddest moment of her life.
Time went by and treatment was more traumatic every day.
The surgery she needed required hospitalization and extreme care.
However, sensing the approaching end of her life went to a lawyer, as she wanted to leave a will drawn up. In it, leaving all her possessions to her adopted daughter, Marisol, who was for years hidden in the basement of the room, and she sent away when she could, with an aunt and uncle, to study.
Days later Celestina and Katy went read the will. Nothing surprised the women, but Celestina had to reveal the truth to Katy about my existence.
It had been several days that Antonia's disease, had worsened. She remained unconscious due to painkillers provided to prevent suffering.
Celestina and Katy called the doctor because they noticed that Antonia was breathing hardly. Both knew that painkillers would further aggravate the situation.
The doctor got there quickly. Got out of his car and walked to the patient's room. Celestina and Katy left him alone with Antonia.
After a while, the doctor closed the door of the room, Katy and Celestina just waited worried, while also came George.
The doctor looked at them and suggested to go with the patient as she approached her last moments of life.
The three entered the room and saw that so did a young woman who they had not seen so far, and in a few minutes, Antonia quietly departed for the afterlife.
She left very differently than she had lived.
Both Celestina, as Katy and the newcomer, cried for the woman who had left the world, full of resentment and without having achieved anything she wanted.
Antonia's funeral was held at the place where she spent most of her life.
Family members were there and "friends."
After being with her aunt, Katy went outside to get some air and sun. Upon her return, she faced about prying eyes, very similar to her owns in terms of color and form, I think. We both recognized. We wanted to say many things, among them, all I have said here, experiences or conversations I had with my Mother Antonia. The two of us lived in sad situations, more me, than her, but now that we were adults would have a lot to talk, but neither said anything. Just looked and went away ...
Now Antonia had left the room, physically, but her spirit remained in every corner of the site. Spying, controlling, been jealous and seeking revenge...
Susana E. Irigoite
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